Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Day After. . .

My subtitle of this post is "Reflections on Wacky Wednesday." It was a wacky -- and wondrous -- day. Hard to come down from that cloud -- but we must. Here are some random thoughts that I've had about the events of the last day:

1. Miss Ethel Ewing (don't you love that name), my 10th grade English teacher would be appalled at my Referral post yesterday -- poor grammar, lack of Punctuations, run-on sentences, fragments, incoherent thoughts. Did I forget everything she taught me? The short answer is YES!!

Life-altering experience can make us forget how to write a simple, declarative sentence. When I re-read the post late last night, I almost did a major editing job on that Post to make it "sound" better -- but I stopped myself. I like that I sound like a jabbering idiot -- because that's what I was yesterday. That's what every brand new parent should be when he/she first sets eyes on a new child.

2. I didn't realize until bedtime that Libby Doodle Doo's referral came exactly on the 23rd month anniversary of my LID. Amazing. I'll need to change the ticker at the bottom of the page to start measuring something besides waiting for a referral. Gee it feel wonderful to be able to say, "I'm no longer waiting for a referral."

3. I think that Libby Doodle Doo's referral picture bears and uncanny likeness to Zo Peep's referral picture. What do you think? I've had a dozen people tell me that they look a lot alike:

So , what do you all think? Close at all? Maybe my master plan of sending the CCAA 8 photos of Zo Peep at various ages between 6 months and 3 years paid off.

4. I went back to work (pretty short maternity leave, huh) and Little Zo Peep went back to school on Thursday. Zo peep clutched 3 photos of Libby Doodle Doo to show friends . She also was sporting a T shirt that says Jie Jie --"Big Sister" in Mandarin.

Here's the story of this shirt:

On Christmas Day 2005, after Zo Peep and I opened all the gifts, I uncovered a special package that we had overlooked.

I said, "Z****, this package is for you and it is from China." Zo Peep tore into the package and pulled out a pink t-shirt.

"Do you know what this says?" I asked. She shook her head.

"It says BIG SISTER in Chinese. China sent you this t shirt because in about 6 months (which is what I thought the wait would be) you are going to get a baby sister from China."

She was ecstatic. She insisted we put the t shirt away until she actually got her Mei mei (little sister). It has sat in her dresser since then -- mocking me every time I put away clean laundry.

Of course you are wondering if the shirt still fit - right? Fortunately I bought a size 5-6 way back then. Why? When she was 3, Zo Peep was on a kick of only wearing over sized boys clothes. Fortunately that time has passed. But what a lucky break.

5. I've started my lessons. I've joined a Poyang SWI Yahoo group, am trying to find out who is also in my travel group and reading about the Jiangxi province. So much to learn in so little time.

I've also discovered that 2 different agencies have received referrals from the Poyang SWI in this November batch. I feel connected with these parents as well as my travel companions. And won't it be interested to watch this Amazing Race to see which agency gets to Poyang first to pick up our daughters.

6. I'm trying to get Libby Doode Doo's file translated. A woman at work who speaks and reads Mandarin said she would help me, but she was tied up all day. I'm going to try to connect with her at lunch tomorrow.

7. I'm so overwhelmed by the lovely notes that friends, family and total strangers have sent me on this blog and through personal emails. Such treasured thoughts to save for Libby Doodle Doo forever. I just want to say thank you to all of you.

1 comment:

wilisons said...

I just wanted to say congratulations on your referal for Libby. I am another SWT with 2 from Kazakhstan. My littlest came home in August. Her name is also Libby. Excellent choice of names :-) Libby is the sweetest bundle of energy you will ever meet. Here's hoping yours is just as adorable!

mom to Tamar and Libby both from kaz