Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday Photos -- Round #2

(As a reminder, I'm entering a photo contest at the end of June where I can submit 6 photos of Libby Doodle Doo.  Every Monday in June I will post 18 photos from the previous week and let everyone vote on which ones are best.)

Thanks to everyone who voted last week. There certainly were some favorites from that last batch of photos.   Here are the next 18. You can vote for up to 6 in the poll on the right.

I gotta tell you this photography thing is really hard. I have SUCH an appreciation for professional photographers after the last 2 weeks. It is so difficult to get all elements to align (properly framed, in focus, good unique expression, correct exposure, etc, etc) to end up with a really good picture.

Plus, I've noticed a huge difference between photographing Libby Doodle Doo versus her big sister Little Zo Peep. The Peep was always very cooperative when I took photos and always gave me great facial expressions. The Doodle is not very cooperative at all and will happily sneer at me for 40 to 50 frames. Of course, I think that they are adorable sneers; but I'm guessing not the stuff that wins photography contests.  Here are this week's photos.



















. . . And this one is here just for fun. Zo Peep was helping me during the pink sweater session and laid in the grass near the end. Libby Doodle Doo (always the copycat) laid down beside her and I got a lovely shot of the two of them.

1 comment:

Christi and Abbey said...

So happy to see that you are blogging again, I just read all the way back through April. You are such a great writer....surely there is some $/employment to be found in that. Your girls are just precious.