Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching Up

Hi everyone.

Here it is April 15th.  My gosh the months are rushing by like cars on a freeway. 

The bad news is that I'm still unemployed.  I never imagined that finding a job would have been so difficult, but as a living, breathing statistic of our weak US economy -- I can attest that it's really, really rough out there.
And I'm not going to pretend that I haven't had some rough times since losing my job but -- even in my darkest moments -- my girls have helped me (and continue to help me) get through this time.  We celebrated holidays, marked milestones (lost teeth, expanding vocabulary),  and enjoyed the "ordinariness" of every day.   

For the last month or so,  I've been working with a colleague who lost her job at the same time I did.  We are going to try to get some consulting work.  I don't know if our efforts will turn into a permanent gig  or just keep me afloat till a more traditional job comes along.  I know that just working on this project has helped me shake the cobwebs from my brain and the lead from my step.  

Net, net I'm in a better place and have decided to return to occasional blogging.  I'm sure my postings won't be daily, but I think they will be regular.  I hope you'll join me on my journey.

Let me get you caught up with Little Zo Peep and Libby Doodle Doo.  The girls are both doing very well -- healthy and happy.  Yesterday while driving to a meeting with my colleague,  I heard Bill Withers "Lovely Day" on the radio.  As I listened to the lyrics, I thought that how the words captured how grateful I am to my children for helping me get through this rough patch and for bringing purpose, sunshine and focus into my life.

This morning I gathered together a bunch of photos from the last 6 months and created a montage of my girls.  I've included a couple of the Apple Orchard shots from October, but most of the pics are more recent.  This gallery shows Zo Peep and the Doodle being silly, grumpy, loving &  ornery -- but in every photo I feel their energy and spirit that is helping me focus my own optimism and resolve.   

I WILL be OK.  I CAN see light at the end of the tunnel.

Enjoy the video montage.


Melissa said...

Lovely photos! Glad to see you back. Best of luck in your new venture! :)

Tiffany said...

Glad you're back!

~Kristen said...

So glad to you you posting again! Welcome back!

Sorry to hear you haven't been able to find work... it is truly hard right now for so many... good to have a new endevour on the horizon!

The girls just look so beautiful, happy and healthy... what a joy (in a rough time) to have these days with them at home.

Looking forward to more posts :o)

Linda said...

Wonderful to see your beautiful girls again. Great pictures!!!
Sorry abut employment, You know you are in the best of company , so many others experiencing this problem. Looks like you are taking the initiative and trying something new... Prayers and hugs for you... Sometimes the adversity shows you a new way and makes you appreciate the important things ( I think you said that).. Good luck and will be looking forward to hearing about your success... Linda

Lisa and Tate said...

Love the montage. Welcome back! I think your Libby Doodle Do have a lot in common!!! How cool is that?!

Deb said...

I have no idea what made me check your blog, but I am so happy to see you "back!" From one single mom of two born in China to another, I wish you all the best in your job hunt. I cannot imagine how stressful the last several months have been for you. Please do keep all of us posted--and the girls are beautiful--thanks for the updatd photos! Deb in Maine

The Fab 5 said...

So glad you are back I really miss your writings!! Sorry to hear no job still but hoping something comes along soon! Glad I came and checked back in the girls are so adorable!!

Shannon said...

So glad you posted. Loving the picture of your girls. They are truly beautiful. Sending good vibes your way for continued successes.

Debra said...

What beautiful pictures, what beautiful girls!