Friday, August 1, 2008

Chick Flick Double Feature -- Aunt Annie

My sister travelled with me to China to meet Libby Doodle Doo. Today's two videos feature her and my Libby.

In the first, I filmed as Aunt Annie removed the many layers of clothing that Libby Doodle Doo was wearing on Gotcha Day. It's amazing to see how much smaller the Libster gets from the beginning to the end of the video. It also amazes me how more animated she gets as the layers of clothing are removed.

One observation -- I expected Libby Doodle Doo to be wearing lots and lots of clothing since I was getting her in January and since Nanchang was SOOO Cold. But surprisingly, she was wearing fewer layers of clothing than Zo Peep wore when I first met her in April of 2003. Perhaps customs are changing in China and children aren't bundled as much as they used to be.

The second video is a Thank You to my sister for coming to China with me to meet Libby Doodle Doo:

I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well here I am at my desk crying again. Your sister looks so much like you and her joy at holding and playing with Libby is overwhelmingly beautiful and touching. Thank you so much for posting these heartwarming videos.